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RedCart 5.3.2 Release Notes

RedCart v5.3.2 Notes:

New Features and Improvements:

  • Critical Security Fixes
  • Added ability to customize Choose Package and Choose Item header text

Note that you can always refer to back to these release notes and the full changelog at any time by visiting our blog.

Note that you can always refer to back to these release notes and the full changelog at any time by visiting our blog.

RedCart 5.3.1 Release Notes

Are you upgrading from version 4?

  • If you’re upgrading from v4, be sure to carefully read the version 5.0 release notes before continuing with this upgrade.
  • If you’re a Self-Hosted user, make sure that your server meets the New Hosting Requirements before upgrading to version 5.
  • If you’re on a monthly or annual Hosted plan, you don’t need to worry about hosting requirements.

v5.3.1 New Features and Improvements:

  • Added HTML support to store product descriptions. Now you can add HTML markup to your store product descriptions including bold text, underline text, links, unordered lists…etc!
  • Added support for new blank lines in store product descriptions.
  • Many other miscellaneous improvements and optimizations to the code.

v5.3.1 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where a javascript error occurred behind the scenes when a customer clicks on My Cart before adding a product to their cart.
  • Fixed a bug in the Admin where the last viewed page was not loading correctly in the session.
  • Fixed a bug where spaces in the store banner filename would prevent the frontend from loading.
  • Fixed a bug where store product images had the gallery watermark applied when they should not.
  • Fixed a bug where the user was not able to rotate the crop box when selecting images for a store product.
  • Fixed a bug where new Admin users were not able to be created.
  • Fixed a bug where the Other Products tab label was not able to be renamed from the Screen Notes and Text page in the Admin.

Note that you can always refer to back to these release notes and the full changelog at any time by visiting our blog.

RedCart 5.3.0 Release Notes

Are you upgrading from version 4?

  • If you’re upgrading from v4, be sure to carefully read the version 5.0 release notes before continuing with this upgrade.
  • If you’re a Self-Hosted user, make sure that your server meets the New Hosting Requirements before upgrading to version 5.
  • If you’re on a monthly or annual Hosted plan, you don’t need to worry about hosting requirements.

v5.3.0 New Features and Improvements:

  • NEW! Redesigned Store section for Custom Store Products!
  • NEW! Highly flexible and customizable Store Products to sell just about anything!
  • NEW! Custom Store Products with unlimited product Add-Ons (Multi-Option Add-Ons, Checkboxes, Textboxes and Text Areas)
  • NEW! Custom Store Products with configurable Image Collections that allow your customers to select gallery images for any store product!
  • NEW! Public Store to showcase public products (without logging into a gallery)
  • NEW! Unlimited Private Stores to showcase private products for specific galleries. (Private Stores based on Price Groups)
  • NEW! Added a new “Other Products” tab that links to the Store section when the store is enabled
  • NEW! Custom products that allow the customer to enter the price (ie. Think invoice balance payments, wedding gift registries, gift certificates, donation forms…etc)
  • NEW! Inventory tracking on multiple levels: 1) Store Product level 2) Add-On level and 3) Add-On Option level
  • NEW! Digital File Managment page to sell any type of digital file with custom store products (ie. zip files, pdf files, Lightroom Presets, Photoshop Actions…etc)
  • NEW! Sell multiple digital files with any custom store product on multiple levels: 1) Store Product level 2) Add-On level 3) Add-On Option level
  • NEW! Featured Products Store section
  • NEW! Store Banner uploader on Colors and Branding page
  • NEW! Store Category Banner uploader to upload custom store banners that display when specific store categories are selected.
  • NEW! Added a new Product Image Uploader to the product page to upload an unlimited number of images for the product.
  • Added a new setting to the Business Rules page to enable / disable the Store section
  • Added a new gallery default setting on the Business Rules page to Allow Cropping
  • Added a new gallery setting to enable / disable Cropping on a gallery level
  • Added a feature that auto-selects the current image when adding a package to the shopping cart that is configured for a single pose.
  • Improved the Menu navigation and usability to make it easier to return back to the Home screen.
  • Added a feature that automatically selects the paper type if there is only a single paper type available when adding to cart.

v5.3.0 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the Event Date was not being set correctly from the Create Gallery screen.
  • Fixed various miscellaneous bugs and minor issues.

RedCart 5.2.3 Release Notes

Are you upgrading from version 4?

  • If you’re upgrading from v4, be sure to carefully read the version 5.0 release notes before continuing with this upgrade.
  • If you’re a Self-Hosted user, make sure that your server meets the New Hosting Requirements before upgrading to version 5.
  • If you’re on a monthly or annual Hosted plan, you don’t need to worry about hosting requirements.

v5.2.3 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug that caused some galleries to transition to Deep Archive storage on Amazon S3 prematurely. This minor bug resulted in longer processing times for zipping up and delivering “Download All” type gallery downloads.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Amazon AWS from sending a callback and communicating with a domain that had a force redirect to the https:// protocol.

RedCart 5.2.2 Release Notes

Are you upgrading from version 4?

  • If you’re upgrading from v4, be sure to carefully read the version 5.0 release notes before continuing with this upgrade.
  • If you’re a Self-Hosted user, make sure that your server meets the New Hosting Requirements before upgrading to version 5.
  • If you’re on a monthly or annual Hosted plan, you don’t need to worry about hosting requirements.

v5.2.2 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a critical bug that prevented some “Download All” type downloads from processing on Amazon AWS. After this update, any orders that were stuck processing downloads should resume accordingly.

RedCart 5.2.1 Release Notes

Are you upgrading from version 4?

  • If you’re upgrading from v4, be sure to carefully read the version 5.0 release notes before continuing with this upgrade.
  • If you’re a Self-Hosted user, make sure that your server meets the New Hosting Requirements before upgrading to version 5.
  • If you’re on a monthly or annual Hosted plan, you don’t need to worry about hosting requirements.

v5.2.1 New Features and Improvements:

  • Added support for auto-transitioning old galleries from the Amazon S3 Infrequent Access storage class to the Deep Archive storage class to save on storage costs.

v5.2.1 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug with the Accept integration where an error would occur if there was an ampersand or other special characters in the business name.
  • Fixed a bug where the Suggested Retail price was displaying on the frontend instead of the Retail Override price when using base pricing for prints.
  • Fixed a bug with the Amazon S3 integration where the RedCart application code was unable to detect if a certain file exists on the S3 filesystem.
  • Fixed a bug where image file downloads that were configured to have a watermark embedded were not working.

RedCart 5.2.0 Release Notes

Are you upgrading from version 4?

  • If you’re upgrading from v4, be sure to carefully read the version 5.0 release notes before continuing with this upgrade.
  • If you’re a Self-Hosted user, make sure that your server meets the New Hosting Requirements before upgrading to version 5.
  • If you’re on a monthly or annual Hosted plan, you don’t need to worry about hosting requirements.

v5.2.0 New Features and Improvements:

  • Added the ability to change the theme colors to match your branding!
  • Added the ability to change the fonts and font weights, with the option to convert to uppercase, to better match your branding!
  • Added keyboard arrow key navigation for previous / next images.
  • Added new Image Search feature from inside the gallery.
  • Added gallery category filters on the main home screen.
  • Reintroduced the Add-To-Cart One-Line-Note feature that was available in Version 4. This allows you to place a note next to the Add to Cart button for things like “All prices include VAT” tax.
  • Improved the display of long filenames on both desktop and mobile devices. The user can now click on (or touch) a long filename that is truncated to view the full filename.
  • Improved navigation usability by adding auto-scroll to last thumbnail location after viewing My Favorites.
  • Redesigned the loading graphic with a minimalistic look and feel.
  • Reduced the file size of style.css for faster load performance.

v5.2.0 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the a bug where the “One Paper Type per Order” Business Rule was not working.
  • Fixed a bug where, in some cases, the crop box wasn’t being displayed properly with package items.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented customers in Portugal from being able to checkout.
  • Fixed a bug where in some cases the View Session link did not work from the Customer Sessions report.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Country Not Listed” option wasn’t working on the Checkbout screen. Now you should be able to place an order from anywhere in the world.
  • Fixed a bug where the gallery displayed that it was expired when it technically didn’t expire until midnight.
  • Fixed a bug where certain image file download options weren’t being displayed in the gallery when they should have been.
  • Fixed a bug where the business name wasn’t displaying properly inside email templates.
  • Fixed a bug where the business name wasn’t displaying properly on the download page.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the user from being able to choose an image fron their favorites section for a package item.
  • Fixed a bug where the loading icon was not displaying when thumbnails were still loading.
  • Fixed a bug where gallery uploads failed when using images that contained special characters in the filenames such as commas, parenthesis…etc.

RedCart 5.1.0 Release Notes

Are you upgrading from version 4?

  • If you’re upgrading from v4, be sure to carefully read the version 5.0 release notes before continuing with this upgrade.
  • If you’re a Self-Hosted user, make sure that your server meets the New Hosting Requirements before upgrading to version 5.
  • If you’re on a monthly or annual Hosted plan, you don’t need to worry about hosting requirements.

v5.1.0 New Features:

  • Improved thumbnail layout and display on Home screen.
  • Added a new “Cloud Storage Bypass” option to the Business Rules page for RedCart Hosted users. This option is for photographers that do not ever intend to sell high-res digital files. Enabling this bypass will help speed up the gallery upload process significantly since high-res uploads to the cloud will be skipped completely.
  • Improved image security by preventing the user from being able to drag images from the browser to the desktop.
  • Improved print size crop code validation when entering new crop codes.
  • Improved error handling with cron jobs.
  • Added the ability to edit the gallery title from the Advanced Gallery Options page.
  • Added “Show Event Date” as a new setting on the Advanced Gallery Options page.
  • Added “Show on Home Screen” to the default gallery options on the Business Rules page.
  • Added “Show Event Date” to the default gallery options on the Business Rules page.
  • Improved padding spacing on FAQ page.

v5.1.0 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug with the Accept payment gateway
  • Fixed a bug where the View Session button in the Customer Sessions Report was linking to the wrong gallery.
  • Fixed an issue with weird characters in the url on the edit order page in the Admin.
  • Fixed a bug where the cover photo was not displaying properly on iPads and tablet sized screens.
  • Fixed a bug where an error occurred when trying to readjust a crop from the My Cart screen.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the gallery Admin Preview link from working correctly in certain cases.
  • Fixed a bug where an error occurred when selecting a print size that had a Crop Code with a lowercase x as opposed to an uppercase X.
  • Fixed a bug where the State dropdown during Checkout was not being populated.
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong thumbnail was displaying in the shopping cart when a “Download All” type download was added to the cart.
  • Cleaned up duplicate display messages on the Screen Notes and Text screen in the Admin.
  • Fixed a bug where long discount names overlapped and obscured pricing details on mobile devices.
  • Fixed a bug where in certain cases, image file download options didn’t display in older galleries that were generated with version 4.

RedCart 5.0.1 Release Notes

Are you upgrading from version 4?

  • If you’re upgrading from v4, be sure to carefully read the version 5.0 release notes before continuing with this upgrade.
  • If you’re a Self-Hosted user, make sure that your server meets the New Hosting Requirements before upgrading to version 5.
  • If you’re on a monthly or annual Hosted plan, you don’t need to worry about hosting requirements.

v5.0.1 New Features:

  • Upgraded the PHPMailer library to the latest 6.2 version for better email deliverability.

v5.0.1 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the gallery search results in the Admin displayed an “Active” status when it should have displayed “Expired.”
  • Fixed a bug where the number of New Orders displayed in the Admin menu was incorrect.
  • Fixed a bug where the Watermark Gallery Default settings were not working correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple discounts weren’t calculating correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where images smaller than 1800 pixels displayed as blacked out images inside the gallery.
  • Fixed a bug where a gallery upload would fail if it was uploading while the UTC date changed to the next day (at midnight UTC).
  • Fixed a bug where the frontend would not load if Google Analytics code was entered on the System Integrations page in the Admin.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the frontend from loading if the app was installed in a folder named anything other than “RedCart”.
  • Fixed a bug where the rotate crop feature didn’t work.
  • Fixed a bug where some cropped images resulted with incorrect cropping coordinates which resulted in images that were cropped incorrectly in the Admin and Order Fulfillment Script output.
  • Fixed a bug where package item thumbnails did not display in order details and order emails.
  • Fixed a bug with the Accept payment gateway
  • Fixed a bug where the pounds currency symbol wasn’t displaying correctly when the operating country was set to United Kingdom.

RedCart version 5 – Rollout!

We’re super excited to announce that we’ve begun rolling out the new RedCart version 5 platform! Before you can upgrade to v5, you must upgrade to version 4.5.3. After you upgrade to version 4.5.3, your cart will be ready and waiting to accept the v5 upgrade.

RedCart v5.0.0 Release Notes:

Please read over these release notes carefully before proceeding with the upgrade. Flash player will be removed from all browsers after December 31, 2020, so we recommend upgrading before then.

New Features:

  • Completely Redesigned Front-end (NO MORE FLASH!)
  • Frontend Designed specifically for mobile devices
  • Mobile ordering! (for prints, packages, and digital downloads)
  • New HTML Uploader in the Admin (RedCart Desktop is gone)
  • High-Res File Cloud Storage (Self-Hosted users need their own Amazon AWS account)
  • High-Res Single File Download Delivery (Self-Hosted users need their own Amazon AWS account)
  • High-Res “Download All” zip file Delivery
  • Tag File Download for Customer Favorites
  • Fully compatible with SSL / HTTPS secure connections
  • New and improved upgrade process that reduces upgrade time and is compatible with more hosting providers
  • PHP 7 Compatibility

The Store and Custom Store Products – NOT YET SUPPORTED – COMING SOON!

  • The store section and custom store products will not be available after you upgrade. Please make sure that you have a plan B in place for any custom store products that you were relying on in v4. We will be adding this functionality back in soon in subsequent releases.
  • Although your custom store products will not be available for purchase after the upgrade, your current product configurations **WILL NOT BE LOST**. They will be available for purchase again after we release the update for custom products.


  • All Image List functionality is being removed (This is replaced with a tag file download for the customer’s Favorites). Be sure that you download all of your image list order data before upgrading to v5.
  • Although your custom store products will not be available for purchase after the upgrade, your current product configurations **WILL NOT BE LOST**. They will be available for purchase again after we release the update for custom products.
  • Image List Types are being removed
  • Event Code style login (you can still link directly to individual galleries). Older v4 event code galleries can still be accessed by entering the event code into the password field.
  • RedCart Desktop (no more Adobe AIR – we replaced this with an HTML uploader)
  • MIGS Payment Gateway
  • No more Flash Player! Yay!
  • Star Ratings (we might bring this back if there’s more demand)

Tasks for Photographer BEFORE Upgrading:

  • Before you can upgrade to v5, you must upgrade your cart to v4.5.3.
  • After you upgrade to v4.5.3, your cart will be ready and waiting to accept the v5 upgrade. When we’re ready for you to upgrade to v5, you’ll see a new upgrade link on the dashboard in your Admin. This might be the same day or it might be a week later, so please don’t expect it to happen immediately. We want to make sure that things are going smoothly and we don’t want to overload support while we’re working through upgrades and possible issues. So please don’t log new support tickets asking when you’ll receive the upgrade. You’ll know when you see the upgrade link on your dashboard 🙂
  • After the v5 upgrade, the Terms of Service text will be removed so it’s important that you copy your TOS text and save it somewhere. The Terms of Service will be replaced with a custom link where you can link to your own external web page that lists your terms of service. Visit the Configuration -> Screen Notes and Text page in your Admin and copy your **Terms and Conditions** text and save it somewhere that you can reference later.
  • Create a new web page on your website that lists your Terms of Service. Use the text that you copied earlier to recreate your Terms of Service.
  • All image list functionality is being replaced with a tag file download for the Favorites section. Be sure that you download all of your image list order data before upgrading to v5. You will not be able to access your old image lists after upgrading to v5.

Tasks for the Photographer AFTER Upgrading:

  • Visit Configuration -> Screen Notes and Text and add your custom link to the Terms of Service page on your website.
  • Visit Configuration -> Screen Notes and Text and add a custom link to the Privacy Policy page on your website. (this never existed in v4 so this is brand new)
  • On the Admin Dashboard in the top right of the screen, click on the Action Items and complete any unfinished action items. Be sure to click the Complete button after you’ve completed each one.
  • If you’re Self-Hosted, make sure that your site can be accessed with SSL (https:// instead of http://). If not, ask your hosting provider to ensure that all traffic to your cart is routed through SSL. (Self-Hosted Users: This is required if you want to enable the Amazon S3 integration for high-res file storage as this integration will not work without SSL.)
  • All of your gallery cover photos in v4 were square crops. In v5, we do not crop the cover photos, so you might want to check your old galleries and choose new cover photos if you don’t like the way they are displayed on the frontend.
  • The thumbnails in version 5 are much bigger than they were in v4. For this reason, your old gallery thumbnails will be stretched and appear soft. Although not required, we recommended that you regenerate any galleries where you want the thumbnails to look optimal.
  • If you were using watermarks in v4, you might need to reconfigure your watermark which you can now do from the Configuration -> Colors and Branding page.

Coming in Updates:

  • Improved Welcome Cover Photo Page Layout
  • More robust and intuitive watermarking configuration
  • Custom Store Products with Image Collections
  • Description images
  • Slideshow
  • Black and White conversions
  • Hide Images with Owner Password
  • Check Order Status screen
  • Color Tone Changes
  • Color Tone Changes on Image File Downloads
  • Image File Downloads configured for Gallery Owners Only
  • More Layout Options
  • More bug fixes and enhancements released more frequently in the coming weeks.