
March 2021

Viewing posts from March , 2021

RedCart 5.2.0 Release Notes

Are you upgrading from version 4?

  • If you’re upgrading from v4, be sure to carefully read the version 5.0 release notes before continuing with this upgrade.
  • If you’re a Self-Hosted user, make sure that your server meets the New Hosting Requirements before upgrading to version 5.
  • If you’re on a monthly or annual Hosted plan, you don’t need to worry about hosting requirements.

v5.2.0 New Features and Improvements:

  • Added the ability to change the theme colors to match your branding!
  • Added the ability to change the fonts and font weights, with the option to convert to uppercase, to better match your branding!
  • Added keyboard arrow key navigation for previous / next images.
  • Added new Image Search feature from inside the gallery.
  • Added gallery category filters on the main home screen.
  • Reintroduced the Add-To-Cart One-Line-Note feature that was available in Version 4. This allows you to place a note next to the Add to Cart button for things like “All prices include VAT” tax.
  • Improved the display of long filenames on both desktop and mobile devices. The user can now click on (or touch) a long filename that is truncated to view the full filename.
  • Improved navigation usability by adding auto-scroll to last thumbnail location after viewing My Favorites.
  • Redesigned the loading graphic with a minimalistic look and feel.
  • Reduced the file size of style.css for faster load performance.

v5.2.0 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the a bug where the “One Paper Type per Order” Business Rule was not working.
  • Fixed a bug where, in some cases, the crop box wasn’t being displayed properly with package items.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented customers in Portugal from being able to checkout.
  • Fixed a bug where in some cases the View Session link did not work from the Customer Sessions report.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Country Not Listed” option wasn’t working on the Checkbout screen. Now you should be able to place an order from anywhere in the world.
  • Fixed a bug where the gallery displayed that it was expired when it technically didn’t expire until midnight.
  • Fixed a bug where certain image file download options weren’t being displayed in the gallery when they should have been.
  • Fixed a bug where the business name wasn’t displaying properly inside email templates.
  • Fixed a bug where the business name wasn’t displaying properly on the download page.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the user from being able to choose an image fron their favorites section for a package item.
  • Fixed a bug where the loading icon was not displaying when thumbnails were still loading.
  • Fixed a bug where gallery uploads failed when using images that contained special characters in the filenames such as commas, parenthesis…etc.